French Detours
French Detours
French Detours
French Detours
French Detours


An explosion of Color

Bring your camera, and leave your best shoes at home.
Roussillon is known for its ochre, caused by iron oxide deposits in the sandy soil, whose origins can be traced back millions of years, when Provence was under water. Of course there is a more interesting legend involving a doomed love affair - ask for the story at the Office de Tourisme.

Begin at Place de la Mairie where the Thursday Market is held. There are cafés and restaurants - this is the heart of the village, surrounded by lovely 18th-century homes in an array of colors.
The Church of Saint Michael was started in the 11th century. It has been renovated over the centuries, but is quite beautiful and worth a look.
The Orientation Table is at the highest point in Roussillon and provides sweeping views from the Luberon to the Monts de Vaucluse.
The Sentier des Ochres is a short trail with stunning views, suitable for the whole family. You will be amazed at the color variations and the changing landscape. The photos you will capture here will be breathtaking! For a longer hike, head a bit out of town to Le Colorado Provençal Rustrel.

The Conservatoire des Ocres et de la Couleur is just out of town on the D104, direction Apt. There are workshops and classes as well as guided visits. A mixture of art, geology and history, there is something to please every palate.

Stay and Savor
Practice the art of people-watching, sip a Pastis, and linger over a long lunch. This village is unique and you won't want to rush away too quickly. There are many restaurants and cafés to choose from, but may we suggest:
La Treille for traditional French cuisine, on rue du Four
La Grappe de Raisin, for simple, delicious mediterranean dishes, on rue de la Poste
Bon Appétit